At-scale Pilot

We conducted a pilot of the large-scale implementation in four municipalities: Tumaco (Nariño), Jamundí (Valle del Cauca), Barranquilla, and Soledad (Atlántico), with 1,200 participants. The purpose of this stage was to assess the program's scalability.

We conducted a pilot of at-scale implementation in four municipalities: Tumaco (Nariño), Jamundí (Valle del Cauca), Barranquilla, and Soledad (Atlántico), reaching 1,200 participants affected by past or ongoing conflict and forced migration, including internally displaced persons and Venezuelan refugees. To achieve this goal, we partnered with Heartland Alliance International (HAI) as our implementation partner.

The pilot aimed to test the program’s scalability. We are currently assessing whether the model could be expanded on a larger scale by an independent implementation partner to ensure the program has the desired impact, fidelity, and cost-effectiveness. Existing processes are being reviewed to enhance its capacity at scale.

Throughout the implementation, we followed an implementation science framework which allowed us to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the scale-up effort. We are in the final stages of analyzing the results which will be shared shortly.

This phase of the project was financially supported by the Early Childhood Development Innovation Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank, United Way Colombia, and Primero Lo Primero.


Voices that Flourish







“I learned to apologize to my children; I never realized they felt the burdens I carried. I learned to apologize to them because they are not to blame for anything. I learned to think and carefully consider my steps before taking them. They are my mirror, and if I want better children, I have to start by changing.”

Participant from Bogotá, 2015 

"Our program is for mothers, fathers, or primary caregivers of infants aged 0-5 in communities affected by armed conflict, displacement, forced migration, and other challenging contexts".


Latest from Semillas de Apego

Fuente externa

“Sin una paz sostenida habrá más niños con problemas de salud mental”

Una entrevista de La Silla Vacía a Andrés Moya, director de Semillas de Apego.

Fuente externa

Protección de la primera infancia afectada por la violencia

Semillas de Apego se une a Sesame Workshop (Plaza Sésamo), para impactar el bienestar de madres, padres y cuidadores, y el desarrollo de la primera infancia en entornos afectados por el conflicto, el desplazamiento forzado y la migración.

Fuente externa

Sesame Workshop destaca a Semillas de Apego

Semillas de Apego ha sido destacado por Sesame Workshop en una publicación sobre desarrollo de la primera infancia en contextos de emergencia.

Fuente externa

Reconocimiento HundrED

HundrED destaca a Semillas de Apego como una apuesta por la primera infancia innovadora.

Fuente externa

Semillas de Apego en la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas

Andrés Moya, director y fundador de Semillas de Apego, participó en la asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York.

Fuente externa

Por su impacto, Semillas de Apego gana el premio "Dejar Huella"

Recibimos el reconocimiento "Dejar Huella" de la Universidad de Los Andes en la categoría "proyectos de impacto".